28 November 2019

$540M Business Growth Fund adds to Australia's $30B private capital investment sector

SYDNEY: The Australian Government’s new $540 million Business Growth Fund, supported by investment from ANZ, CBA, NAB, Westpac, HSBC and Macquarie banks as well as the Government, will add further momentum to the record-breaking growth seen over recent years within Australia’s $30 billion private capital investment sector, according to the Australian Investment Council.

“There’s no question that small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and fast-growing early stage new business ventures are not only major employers today, but they will increasingly become more central to productivity gains and economic growth across Australia over the long-term,” said the Council’s Chief Executive, Yasser El-Ansary.

“In 2018 alone, Australian private capital funds secured an impressive $6.6 billion in new funding commitments, which brings the amount of committed capital available to be invested into high growth potential Australian businesses to around $11 billion today.

“The professional business growth and strategic skills that come with private capital investment often lead to expansions in the workforce of businesses that attract investment, driven by growth in sales within domestic and international markets, and greater levels of investment into innovative market-leading research and development.

“There is a global shift underway right now which is evident in the significant volume of new investment commitments being allocated into private capital in developed economies across all economic regions. In 2019, more than $1.2 trillion in new capital has been moved into private markets, which underscores the critically important role that investment into high quality unlisted businesses will play in driving the next wave of economic growth right around the world,” added Mr El-Ansary.

Australia’s $30 billion private capital investment industry manages funds on behalf of sophisticated domestic and international investors including superannuation and pension funds, sovereign wealth and endowment funds, as well as family offices. More information about the level of funding within Australia’s private capital investment sector can be found in the Australian Investment Council / Preqin 2019 Yearbook, available on the Council’s website click here.